Harmonic Expansions home
Chapter One, The Fundamental Harmonic Progression
- The tonic triad
- Expanding the tonic triad with lower neighbors
- The Fundamental Harmonic Progression and the birth of the dominant
- Expanding the tonic triad with upper neighbors
- Expanding the tonic triad with passing tones
- Expanding the initial tonic with consonant skips
- Expanding the dominant with consonant skips; Changing Tones
- Dictations
Chapter Two, Nonharmonic Tones
[Also see the contextual listening resource list for nonharmonic tones]
- Introduction
- Neighbor Tones
- Passing Tones
- Accented Neighbor and Passing Tones
- Dictations 1
- Escape Tones
- Anticipations
- Suspensions
- Dictations 2
- Retardations
- Pedals or Pedal Points
- Changing Tones
- Appoggiaturas
- Dictations 3
Chapter Three, 6/4 Linear Expansions
- Introduction
- The Cadential 6/4
- Navigating Levels of Analysis
- Voice Exchange
- The Passing 6/4
- The Neighbor (or Pedal) 6/4
- The Arpeggiated 6/4
- Exploring Levels of Analysis
- 6/4 Summary
- Dictations
Chapter Four, Inserting Pre-dominants and the Circle Progression
- Introduction
- The pre-dominant, ii
- IV as a pre-dominant
- The pre-dominant, ii6
- ii6 as a preparation for cadential 6/4
- vi and the circle progression, vi ii V I
- Limits on the sequence of chords in circle progressions
- Dictations
Chapter Five, More Tonic Expansions
- Introduction
- Passing vii°6
- Passing vii°6 and passing V6/4
- Neighboring V6
- IV as a tonic expansion
- vi as a tonic expansion
- Harmonic Dictations
Chapter Six, Periods and Cadences
- Introduction
- Perfect Authentic and Half Cadences in Parallel Interrupted Periods
- Imperfect Authentic Cadences
- Contrasting Periods
- Half Cadences in Continuous Periods
- Deceptive Cadences in Continuous Periods
- Plagal Cadences
- Harmonic Dictations